Monday, February 7, 2011

Pasumarru and Chilakaluripet Sewing projects


Today we visited two projects along with some special friends from Germany. One is Silke, member of Shoshana and a dress designer who has been helping our projects by sharing her stitching knowledge for the last  9 years and the other one is Benjamin who is a photographer, making a documentary on Shoshana and its projects in India.

First we went to Pasumarru where our project incharge Swetha is running her embroidery and painting class. She is an MBA graduate besides embroidery teacher. This is her third batch running presently. Her class is full of new and old students besides the present batch. Old students are using the centre as their work place where they meet the instructor regularly and have a chance to work under her supervision. Most of her previous students who finished the course are very well using their skills and earning sufficient money to support their families and present batch also started working while learning, about to finish their course at the end of this month. New batch is ready for the start and they came to watch the class and find out what they are going to learn. So it was a happy bunch of different students at different stages. Benjamin and Silke made an interview with Swetha and her students and they tried to capture their nature of work.

Secondly we visited Sumathi, incharge of Shoshana sewing centre, chilakaluripet. She is the mother of Swetha. She is teaching only stitching and Swetha is helping her students with painting and embroidery in her free time. Martha  felt very happy with the work of Sumathi and we had a chance to go around the area and meet some of her previous students who has small tailoring shops at their houses.

Previous students are very happy for setting up their own business at home instead of working in fields all day long and staying away from their family. They are still beginners but they are quite successful in growing their work day by day. We felt very happy to see them using their sewing class for their self help which the basic aim of Shoshana.

Swetha who is a business management graduate is in the process of using her knowledge to teach her students how to make necessary products and market them besides teaching her regular class which we expected from her from the beginning and to be an inspiration to other projects as well.

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