Tuesday, December 22, 2020


Pictures from Shoshana Medical Project - Karamchedu

Post the lock down the number of Corona cases in Karamchedu, decreased compared to the previous months. Few people got infected but there were no deaths in this area. People are now getting used to the situation and also who are tested positive are home quarantined and getting treated at home.

People seems to be  not very much scared about the total situation and getting along with the new normal.

Our Medical Project in Karamchedu has been working continuously through the whole time with taking necessary precautions and now people are using the medical help as usual. Majority of the people who come for help are diabetic and high blood pressure patients. The nurse Mrs. Prasanna is giving them free B.P check ups and providing medication as per the doctor's prescription.

Wednesday, December 2, 2020


Shoshana Medical Project - Giripuram, Vijayawada.

It is a close and thickly populated area in Vijayawada with people working on daily wages. Very much affected during the Corona times. People were struggling for daily needs and  medical supplies.

We took care that majority of our Shoshana medical centres were open at that time, faced some opposition from the local people but still we continued to supply the necessary medication to the needy. 

Especially to homeless and slum dwellers, basic health care was needed to prevent virus contamination in such areas.  

As the same time Psychologically supporting our health workers  who are more vulnerable to Covid infection and having fear of falling ill due to contact with infected people.

Now it is slowly getting to normal again and people started working and taking the necessary medical help without much fear.

Few pics from our medical project

Sunday, October 25, 2020


Pictures from Shoshana Sewing Project - Vijayawada.

Sewing Project at Giripuram Area. One of the slum areas of Vijayawada. People from all kinds of occupations live here especially daily workers. These people depend on daily wages for their living and that was cut down due to lack of work during the lockdown. More Corona cases since it is an over crowded place. Corona had a major effect in this area. 

Coming to the sewing project, So far more than 150 women got their free sewing class and majority of them are running their own shops at home. In this present situation stitching of cloth masks also has become one of their sources of income.

During the lockdown sewing centre was closed for a while because many of the women who are taking sewing class had Corona. Classes started again taking necessary precautions and people are getting back to normal again.

Tuesday, October 6, 2020


Shoshana Sewing Project - Narasaraopet

New group of women who started the sewing class after the lock down. Few pics from the new group.

Everybody is wearing a face covering since it is difficult for them to maintain distancing especially when they are working in groups.  

The instructor Mrs.Santhamma is an elderly woman. She has been teaching women for the last 30 years but still she is eager and happy to take in new students and teach needy women even in this pandemic situation.

Monday, September 21, 2020


Would like to share a few pics from one of our medical projects - 

Shoshana Medical Project - Lohiyapuram.

Unfortunately it was closed for the last few months because of the Corona Virus.  Its a small community in a rural area away from the town. The village elders had their own rules in not allowing anyone inside their community during the lockdown. Even though there was need for medical help at that time, we couldn't open the medical project because of the restrictions. 

Situation is changed now and people are getting used to the new normal and we are happy to open the medical help again in the area.

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

 Distribution of Sewing Machines  at Shoshana Sewing Project - Chilakaluripet

Distributed sewing machines at one of Shoshana's projects in Chilakaluripet to a group of women who are about to finish their sewing class soon. They are making their final map of samples which they keep it as a reference of the sewing class.  They are going to get their training certificates as soon as they finish the class.

Few pics from the distribution of sewing machines.

Benny kumari - Sewing Instructor in the middle along with the students

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

 Hello All,

Trying to see that Shoshana projects are running normally even in the middle of this pandemic. Some of the projects were temporarily shut down  due to the situations in their surroundings but we are waiting to open them as soon as the situations get better.

Even though some of our sewing instructors and nurses were effected by the virus, they stood strong to keep the work going and see that people get benefited by our services.

Here are some pics from our projects. 

Shoshana Sewing Project - Gaddipadu, Guntur.

Inorder to avoid too many people in groups, the timings are alloted seperately.

Nirmala the sewing instructor along with the students

We have both Sewing and Medical projects at the same place. The instructor Kamala who is a trained nurse is giving medical services to the people in that area besides being a sewing instructor.

Sunday, June 28, 2020

Some Pictures from Shoshana Sewing Centre, Pedanandipadu

Re-opened after the lockdown with a new group of women. Centre is running with taking necessary precautions during this corona time.

People voluntarily are closing their areas  due to the rapid spread of the virus but still these women manage to come to the classes.

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Shoshana Sewing projects started working again after the lock-down. It is a total different experience for all of us. Corona cases are increasing day by day in India but taking safety precautions and  maintaining social distance the work is going on. The sewing instructors are allotting different timings for the women so that not many gather at the same time.

Here are some of the pics from one of the sewing projects -  Chilakaluripet

Monday, June 1, 2020

Sharing some pictures from the distribution of Protective Equipment for Covid-19

Sponsored by Help Wir Helfen - Germany to Shoshana Medical Projects. Thanks to the Help Organization for extending their support for Covid-19

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Protective Equipment from Help!Wir Helfen!

Help!Wif Helfen! - German Organization sponsored protective equipment for Shoshana Medical Centers staff who are working at this Covid-19 time.

This organization help poor regions of the world with medical treatments.
They came forward to support the nurses of Shoshana with protective equipments like sanitizers, gloves, masks, vitamins etc

Some pictures from the distribution

On behalf of Shoshana i thank the team of Help!Wir helfen for their timely support.

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Pics from some of our sewing projects

Sewing projects  have a break for their regular activities due to the lock down. Since people are not allowed to go out, the sewing instructors are not doing the regular classes but they are busy stitching masks which are much needed at the moment.

Some for the distribution around their area and some for the medical projects. Masks probably we have to use for some more time in the future until this pandemic ends so from the sewing projects side, they are doing their bit in helping to make some protective  products like masks  for distribution to control the spread of this disease.

Shoshana sewing project - Chilakaluripet

Sewing project - Narasaraopet

Sewing project - Nagaralu, Guntur

  CDS - Shoshana sewing project - Pedanandipadu Sharing some pics from Pedanandipadu sewing project - Guntur district Twelve girls - Five fr...