Hai friends,
Today me and Martha visited one of our old sewing projects. The name of the instructor is Manjula.She is a widow and has two sons. First she started in Ravinuthala, Khammam district in the year 2002. She was in a very desperate condition when we started her project. Her children are very young and were in a orphanage home. At that time she couldn't afford to keep her children with her and she was working as a helper in houses.
With the sewing knowledge she has, she approached us.Later in 2005 she moved to Gollapudi, Krishna district . By this time she was in a position to keep her children with her and send them to school on her own and now last year i.e. in 2010, she moved to Bapatla, Guntur district. Till now she successfully completed teaching stitching and embroidery to around 85 students.
Her sons also are very successful in school and one of them is studying IIT in Karagpur. Her present batch has 8 students. They are about to finish their course in a month.The area where she is living right now is towards the beach and is rather a poor and lower middle class area. Most of the students are from poor background like daily workers in fields.
Students are very excited to start their own shop as soon as they finish their course. They already started working for their neighbours while they are learning under the supervision of Manjula. This is actually very helpful for them to learn from their mistakes before going into their own business.
The present batch is a happy bunch of students, friendly with their teacher and Manjula also is vey happy with them and also with the local people who are taking care of her as well as the community there.
The happiness and success brought in the lives of people like Manjula and many more students is only because of the constant help and support by many people from Germany through Shoshana.
Today when we went there, Government programme called Rachhabanda is going on there in that area. The Government officials and politicians are attending to the problems and finding necessary solution to the people there.
Its happy that both the Government and N.G.O's are going hand in hand for the development of the community in that area in their respective ways.
Today me and Martha visited one of our old sewing projects. The name of the instructor is Manjula.She is a widow and has two sons. First she started in Ravinuthala, Khammam district in the year 2002. She was in a very desperate condition when we started her project. Her children are very young and were in a orphanage home. At that time she couldn't afford to keep her children with her and she was working as a helper in houses.

Her sons also are very successful in school and one of them is studying IIT in Karagpur. Her present batch has 8 students. They are about to finish their course in a month.The area where she is living right now is towards the beach and is rather a poor and lower middle class area. Most of the students are from poor background like daily workers in fields.

The present batch is a happy bunch of students, friendly with their teacher and Manjula also is vey happy with them and also with the local people who are taking care of her as well as the community there.
Today when we went there, Government programme called Rachhabanda is going on there in that area. The Government officials and politicians are attending to the problems and finding necessary solution to the people there.
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