Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Martur medical and Narasaraopet Sewing Project


Today along with Martha i visited two projects. One is Martur medical centre which is in Prakasam Dt and Narasaraopet Sewing project which is in Guntur District.

Martur is famous for Granite Cutting factories.People all over the country come over here to work as daily workers and they have special colonies near the factories for their living. Dry and dusty areas with lots of pollution. Factory workers are facing breathing problems and they are constantly hurt lifting those heavy rocks. Men and women work here and even children who are drop outs are working. Majority are granite workers , some are rickshaw pullers and daily workers in fields.

Some people from Martur formed as a society and started social activities in some needy areas like locating the drop outs and bringing them to School, water facility and as a part of their work they approached us and explained us the need of medical help in this area and requested for a medical centre.

We surveyed the area and started giving medical help here from 2005. The nurse here is Mrs.Sujatha. She is a trained nurse and midwife. She is taking care of the people here and before she used to attend delivery cases on her own  but now she is not allowed to do so she is bringing the people to the near by Government hospital if there is any emergency case. The rest like giving out medicines and infusion , she is doing at the medical centre.

Second project is a Sewing centre in Narasaraopet. The instructor here is Mrs. Santamma.  She is an experienced tailor ,working for the last 20 years and besides that teaching a few needy women  stitching for free of cost. She came to know that with our support she could help more needy women for their self help. We started working from 2007 onwards. The sewing centre area is a mixed area with middle class and very poor people. Santamma besides stitching is good in teaching wool, plastic handicrafts which are useful in everyday life and she is giving chance for the students to share their knowledge with their fellow students if they have any new ideas and lately they started putting their products even for sale.

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