Monday, February 21, 2011

Karamchedu new medical centre


Today we visited Karamchedu, the new medical centre area. Karamchedu is a village 15kms away from Chirala. It is a village consisting of both very rich upper caste people and very poor communities too. All the upper caste people are towards the centre of the village and all the other backward people are on the outskirts of the village. Many times we passed this village going to Guntur and we saw the needy people on the outskirts so we ourselves wanted to support this needy area with medical help which seemed very much necessary.

The area where we are going to open the centre is a christian minority area which is called Ambethkar Colony surrounded by two more backward communities.The people here are mainly agricultural labourers and milk vendors since the entire village is surrounded by paddy fields . Almost every family in this area has their own cow. Government started building houses  for them and the area is mostly clean but still there are areas which needs immediate help from the Government which include tribal area which has people who are mainly rag pickers , sweepers and some are rearing  pigs  for meat. There are about 500 families here which come under backward castes.

We came in contact with some of the village elders and discussed our plan of arranging medical help in this area and they offered their village community hall for starting a medical centre. The nurse is also from this area. Her name is Prasanna. She had 5 years experience as a nurse in one of private hospitals in Guntur and Hyderabad. After her marriage she moved to Karamchedu to stay with her husband and he is working as a daily worker in a tobacco factory. She has a son who is 1year old and presently she is free, taking care of her son. She is willing to work at the medical centre since her in-laws are there to take care of her son at home and also she is living close to the medical centre.

Very soon we are going to open the medical centre here within a week's time. . The community hall needs painting and as soon as we finish that work, the centre will be ready for inuguration.

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