Sunday, March 28, 2021


Lately there is a sudden rise of Corona positive cases all over the country. Some parts are partially lock down again and here in our Telugu states, Telangana and Andhra pradesh schools and colleges are temporarily closed because of the rise of cases in educational institutions.

Vaccination process started. Here Covaxin and Covishield are two types of vaccines given out to the people. The elderly people are at more risk so they are given first.

From our medical projects, we are giving out vitamins, sanitizers to the needy people besides the regular medications. Taking proper precautions in trying to control the spread of the virus.

Some pics from Shoshana Medical Project - Rosaiah colony, Chirala

Wednesday, March 10, 2021


Sharing the pics from Shoshana Sewing Project - Nagaralu - Guntur

One of the most Covid effected sewing project. Majority of the women got affected and luckily everyone recovered. Slowly the situations are changing here and the people are getting used to the new normal and all the projects of Shoshana are running normally again.  New women are coming to join the free tailoring classes and here is the new group of women at Shoshana sewing project - Nagaralu.

                                           Mrs. Vasantha(Instructor) with the new group of women

These women are from the surrounding areas of Nagaralu. Most of them are housewives and eager to start their own tailor shops at home. Having a low education background, only tailoring course seems to be a good opportunity for them to have an income source for their self help as well as they could support the family.

 CDS-Shoshana sewing centre, Auto nagar gate, Vijayawada. Sharing a few pics from the rag picking women group from Vijayawada. As I mentione...