Sunday, October 11, 2015

Visit to Shoshana Medical centre, Kadavakuduru.

Visit pics from Shoshana Medical Centre, Kadavakuduru village.
Special case from the Medical Project.

Mother and Son. He had stroke and paralyzed. Left by his wife and old mother herself is taking care of him for the last few years. He is unable to work and totally depended on his mother since his mental health is also not good.

Visiting the medical project from time to time for special help for their living but we are not very sure how to take their case. Because of the local Government's mistake they are not getting any old age pension or handicapped pension. We discussed with the local people to help them in getting their monthly pension as soon as possible.

Besides that they requested to provide them with  a rickshaw. They could rent it and earn some money.

Few pics from the Medical project

Nurse Mrs.Rajakumari has been working here for more than 10 years. Her daughter Divya is also a trained nurse working in a private hospital. She is also helping her mother with the patients in her off time.

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