Sunday, December 30, 2012

Hai friends,

Here i am sending my warmest wishes for a year filled with good cheer, joy and peace.

Wishing you a very happy and Prosperous new year.

On behalf of all the Shoshana projects in India, I specially thank all the friends and well wishers of 

Shoshana-Germany for their kind help and support through out the year in lightening up the lives 

of many needy people in India . We are very grateful and heart fully appreciate your support.

God bless you and bring joy and success in the new year.


Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas to all of you

In India Christmas Eve is already gone .. here in USA we celebrate it now.
Hope everyone has a place to stay and nice friends to celebrate the Birth of Christ. He is the reason for the season.
Merry Christmas to Bindu and her family!

I will go to the Christmas Eve Service in Bridgewater Presbytarian Church if the weather keeps on being nice.
Of course I miss Bob very much, but I feel not lonely. Cindy invited me for Christmas Day.  Conny, my German friend here, invited me for later on this week, so I am sure I will have nice and blessed Holidays.
God is good and he provided wonderful friends for me.
Happiness for all of you

Embi / Martha B.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Translate Button

Fuer alle, welche im Englischen nicht so sicher sind, ist rechts der TRANSLATE Button, wenngleich die Uebersetzung fuerchterlich ist, kann man doch einigermassen verstehen, was gemeint ist. Lustig wird es, wenn mein Deutsch auch noch in deutsch uebersetzt wird, dann ist der Sinn voellig verstellt.

To all our friends who rather have their own language, please check the TRANSLATE button on the right for your own, its not perfect but close enough to understand the gist of it.

Merry Christmas to all of you.

Thank you to Bindu and her wonderful family who cared for me in the time being here. I am part of their family and they are mine.
I will miss them but via skype its no problem nowadays to stay in close contact.
Thank you Rani for all the delicious food you provided each day: I love it. Now I have to cook on my own again ... but I take some spices with me.
Tomorrow morning I leave towards Chennai and then home to the USA.


Thursday, November 29, 2012

 Pics from Sampath nagar, Chirala Medical project

Picture inside the medical project with nurse Mrs. Maheswari with her patients.

Presently here most children and old people have health problems with the changing season.

Area is surrounded by paddy and groundnut fields.  Workers in the fields mostly need pain relief medicine.

Area with majority needy people, can't afford to buy nutritious diet so as a substitute needed lot of multi vitamins pills beside their regular medicine.

We also saw a few stroke patients with high blood pressure problem.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Visit to Shoshana Medical Centre at Martur - Nov-12

Pics from Shoshana medical centre at Martur town.

Martur town is 60 kms away from Chirala and it comes under Prakasam Dt.  The town is specially famous for Granite cutting factories. People from all over the country come here for employment in those factories.They have special colonies for their residence near the factories.

Medical support from Shoshana started in Adarsh nagar colony, Martur from 2005 mainly for the Granite workers.   Workers in this colony work for the near by Granite cutting factories. First aid help with a regular nurse in this area is essential for them since they have regular minor accidents.  Lately Government decided to provide better medical facilities for them with a doctor in that area so the local society people decided to move to another needy area.

The medical centre is presently located at Hanumantha Rao colony, Martur and Mumtaz is the nurse here. So far we observed the area is still under development. It is a mixed community  with majority muslim people. People here are mostly coolies.

Announcements are going on  around the area regarding the free medical help. I think soon the medical services will be established in a wide range for the benefit of the needy people here.
Martha and Mumtaz (Nurse)

Visit to Shoshana medical project - Karamchedu - Nov-12

Our visit details and pics of Shoshana medical center and the surrounding area at Karamchedu village.

Karamchedu village is mainly an agricultural village and it is around 10km away from Chirala town. The place where we have our medical support is called Ambedhkar colony where all the backward people live like road sweepers, cleaning open drainages, field workers, rickshaw pullers etc.

Shoshana giving medical support in this area started in the year 2011 with a regular nurse ( Prasanna ) giving first aid help.

The nurse Prasanna is also working for Shoshana at Swarna village so half day she is at Karamchedu village and half day at Swarna village. People are happy with her services.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Visit to Kadavakuduru medical project - Nov - 12

Pics from Shoshana medical project  at Kadavakuduru village - Nov-12

Our very first medical project started in the year 2000. It is in between Chirala and Ongole towns. The local people of Kadavakuduru offered the village community hall to open the medical centre where the first aid support is given to the villagers with a regular nurse at the centre. It was a great help to the  people in that Christian area for 10 years where most of the backward people are living.

Recently the medical centre is moved to another backward area. The main community here is fishermen and  daily workers.

The nurse Mrs.Rajakumari is taking care of the centre for the last 8 years.
 The nurse Rajakumari is native of Kadavakuduru village. Her husband once had a Government job but he lost it. Now he is working as a Security guard. She has two daughters, one is married and one is studying her nursing course.

The nurse is available to the people here all day long since she is residing beside the medical centre and the first aid services are always available and free for the needy people.

The nurse is also going around the village  twice a month to give out medication.

Our M.D Martha who is also a trained nurse gave necessary advice to the nurse at the medical centre regarding precautions for different type of fevers and preventive measures to be taken in that area since there are a few Dengue cases in the village.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Our medical centre at the weaver's colony, Epurupalem. Pics of the medical center and the surroundings

Its a mixed area with all communities. Main occupation of people here is daily workers and weavers. Many weavers have no weaving equipment of their own. They work for big company and get certain  amount for each saree which they take at least a week to make.

The nurse here is Ms.Buela rani. She is a trained nurse. She has 10 years experience as a nurse in various hospitals.

The nurse Buela rani is from this area and familiar with all the people.
People are very much happy with the first aid care and the services of Buela rani.
The basic medical support in this area turned out to be very useful for the needy people those who can't afford to buy good medicine.

Medical Centre at Vittal nagar, Chirala - Nov-12

Pics from our visit to Medical Centre, Vittal nagar, Chirala.

One of the slum areas in Chirala.  Shoshana has been providing medical support in this area from 2010.

Some of the local people constructed a small room in this area for multipurpose and named it as Village of Hope. Hope for the better life for the people in this area. People are using this as a shelter home, medical centre as well as for Sunday service.

Tribal people from different states mainly from
Tamil Nadu gathered here as a colony having temporary huts. These people are mainly rag pickers and rickshaw pullers.
Even though they are living here for two or three generations they have no proper facilities from Government. Still very backward.
Shoshana is providing first aid help to the people here with Raj as the nurse.

  CDS - Shoshana sewing project - Pedanandipadu Sharing some pics from Pedanandipadu sewing project - Guntur district Twelve girls - Five fr...