Tuesday, January 19, 2021


Shoshana Medical Project - Dasaripalem - Guntur 

Dasaripalem is one of the remote areas in Guntur. Large area with more than a thousand families mostly with backward communities like daily workers and agricultural labourers. Shoshana started the medical help at Dasaripalem along with a local Ngo who is working for children's education.

Shoshana is providing basic medication along with free Blood pressure checkups under the supervision of a trained nurse. Since the area is far away from the city, without proper roads and transport facility, having a first aid centre is very helpful for the people. In my last visit, came across women who are in need of diabetic check ups and medication.

During the lockdown time also the medical centre was open to the people who are in need of help.

Thankful to all the donors for keeping faith in our work and have been supporting the needy people all these years.

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 Shoshana Medical Project - Dasaripalem, Guntur  Sharing few pics from this area. Dasaripalem area is quite far away from the city around 15...