Friday, December 31, 2021


                                                   HAPPY NEW YEAR - 2022 EVERYONE

On behalf of our Shoshana Family, i wish all the well wishers, friends and donors of Shoshana a very Happy New Year. May 2022 bring you good cheer. Stay safe and healthy.

Sunday, December 19, 2021

 Latest pics from Shoshana sewing centre, Gaddipadu - Guntur.

Sewing projects are running as usually after the Covid lockdown. Usually the duration of the sewing class takes 8 months to one year but it was taking more time than usual due to the lock downs and as the women are not gathering in group. Each one was having seperate timings . Now the situation came to  normal for the last few months and  the women are having their regular sewing classes.

Coming to the  present group of women  -  All five of them are school drop outs, one is married and the remaining four are single. Helping in household work. Parents are workers(sweepers) in local municipality. Coming from economically backward sections these women have no other alternate income source except working as daily workers because of the less educational qualification.

These women want to be independent and have their own way of decent living. The instructors are encouraging them and helping them to learn as much as they can and eventually provide them with a sewing machine to start their own shop or referring them to  a tailor shop where they could find work.

The instructor Mrs. Nirmala has been a part of Shoshana for the last 20 years and ever since she has been teaching hundreds of women to be independent. Happy to see that the sewing centre is still running successfully helping women for their self help. Shoshana - Germany made it possible all these years helping hundreds of families for their self help.

On behalf of all the projects, I wish all the friends and well wishers of Shoshana a very Happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year.

Monday, December 6, 2021


Shoshana Medical Centre, Ravipadu

Nurse - Bala sundari

Ravipadu is a small area away from the main town of Narasaraopet. 

Shoshana has a medical project in one of the backward areas of Ravipadu where majority of the people are agricultural labourers. Both men and women work in fields.

This medical project mostly work as first aid clinic. Beside giving the basic medication, free blood pressure check ups  and Sugar tests are done. Since people are mostly daily workers they get immediate help for minor injuries like cuts, bleeding wounds etc. They get the initial treatment before they see a doctor.

The nurse is from the same area so people had the best use of it during the Covid lock down period. Especially for old people who can't go to long distances to get the basic medication.

Before the project was maintained by a male nurse, recently a new nurse joined the project. Nurse has the experience of working in a private hospital for the past few years. Besides that she took up the responsibility of the medical project. She is also from the same area so she is familiar with the people and they could easily reach her any time. She has the access to a hospital she could easily help the people to see the doctor if there is any emergency.

Putting up some of the latest pics from the project.

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

 Shoshana Medical Project - Vijayawada.

Shoshana Medical projects are running continuously even during the peak Covid period for the medical needs of the needy people. All the nurses  gave their services at their capacity despite  having the fear of Covid.

Now that the situations are little better and the medical projects are running normally and are fully   prepared even if there is a rise in the Covid cases. Not only at the medical projects, Shoshana took the  opportunity in distributing protective equipment to the Community health workers who were on duty during the Covid period.

Sharing some pics from Shoshana medical project - Vijayawada

The Nurse Mrs. Sandhya had a paralytic stroke a couple of years back and had partial paralysis. She was maintaining the project with a helper. Now she is able to look after the project again on her own.


Sewing Project - Gamela Bazar, Vijayawada.

Sewing Project which is started recently for the Rag picking women is going on good. The women are very much interested to learn a new skill which could give them another opportunity to change their living conditions. The instructor Ms.Hemima is taking special interest to teach them even though it is difficult for her compared to the regular teaching surroundings.

Interesting part is even some men are interested to join the class. If possible, the instructor also wants to take in one or two men. Most of the people lost their work during the Covid situation so they want to take up anything which could help them to survive.

Sharing some of the pics from the group.

The main aim of Shoshana is to help the needy women for their self help would be fulfilled when these women use the skill to change their living conditions and their families have better life.

Thursday, October 14, 2021

 New Sewing Project at Gamela Bazar, Vijayawada.

Rag pickers area - Gamela Bazar, Vijayawada.

There are around 1500 to 2000 people in this area who mainly depend on  waste picking. They collect recyclable waste from dump yards and garbages,  segrate them and sell them for money. Each family has around 4 or 5 kids. Kids are the main income sources for the family.

As we observed, most of the families are run by single parent. Women left by husbands, take care of the children. Because of the family burden, children also take up the same job to survive. Living in poverty, unclean surroundings without proper help from the Government.

A lot of garbage is cleaned informally by the rag pickers in urban areas of India who work without any proper wages. Collecting waste is a difficult and harmful job. Not only that they are exposed to harmful substances, infections, respiratory diseases and abuse on the streets.

During the Covid lockdown they had lot of difficulty in getting a single meal. Some of the NGO's provided groceries for them during that time.

We thought of giving them an alternate job opportunity, so that they could use it to run the family and have a decent living. Besides that encouraging the children to go to schools.

Shoshana started a sewing project in this area - with some women who are interested to take up sewing as their career. Hemima - Instructor who is working with Shoshana for more than 15 yrs came forward in helping these women.

Thursday, September 16, 2021


All the Shoshana medical projects are running normally. We have all the medication necessary for common flu and viral fevers which are vigorous right now. We kept the protective equipment for Covid-19 available for the people like masks, hand sanitizers and gloves. Mask alone can't avoid the infection but atleast to cover the cough and sneeze droplets and over course maintaining physical distance. 

To boost the immunity we have all the vitamins available for the needy besides the basic medication for the mild Covid cases. Most importantly telling people about personal protective measures.

Presently we have Buela rani(nurse) taking care of this area. Not many covid cases except one or two here and there.

  CDS - Shoshana sewing project - Pedanandipadu Sharing some pics from Pedanandipadu sewing project - Guntur district Twelve girls - Five fr...