Tuesday, October 29, 2019


Our Managing Director - Shoshana Mrs.Martha B Foerch visited our Projects in India for the year 2019.She came all the way from America. Though it is a very long and tiresome journey she managed to come to see the projects and to find out their needs and what Shoshana could do for their welfare and to get to know their success stories.

We started our project visits from 28/10/19 and we already saw a few Medical and Sewing Projects in Guntur and Prakasam Districts.

We have majority of our medical projects in rural areas so we have some cases of viral infections and here and there some dengue cases especially during the rainy season. Our nurses are working all day long giving  medical services to the patients and are ready with necessary medication.

Medical Project at Dasaripalem Slum

Chilli pickers
People from Kadavakuduru Medical Project 
Medical help for the fishermen community
Medical project at Gaddipadu, Guntur
Medical project at Chinaganjam Village

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