Tuesday, December 13, 2011

New house for Shoshana sewing Centre, Pedanandipadu

The sewing instructor at Pedanandipadu Mrs.Sivakumari changed the project to a new house. Few pics showing the surroundings and the new house.
Pedanandipadu is mainly an agricultural village.Majority of the women in Shoshana sewing centre come from agricultural background. Almost all the students are agricultural labourers. Besides their work these needy women believe that they could use this opportunity of taking free sewing class to improve their lives.

Sivakumari is the instructor at Pedanandipadu sewing centre. She has been working with us from 2003. So far she had 70 women who finished their sewing class.She come from a village background. Her husband is a farmer.Their main crop is paddy and cotton.

Both are very supportive to each others work. Their services turned to be  very useful for the needy women in their area. Sivakumari is a very active lady. She takes good responsibility towards her work and has good relations with her students. All the women are working as a group, getting orders from outside and earning a limited income besides their training.The present batch of students started their course in Aug-11 and they will finish their class in about five more months.

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