Friday, December 10, 2010

hai friends,

 we had terrtible weather this week. Heavy unexpected rains affected Prakasam and Guntur Districts. Its a big blow to the paddy and cotton farmers. Most of the crops are ready for harvest and now everything is under water.  All the fields look like small rivers. All the crops are under water, have to see if they can be used after or is it totally gone. If that is the case then naturally the rates will go up and it will be effect the poor and middleclass people's budget again.  Farmers condition is even worse. Majority of them invested money on the fields with crop loans. Government is doing survey on the affected areas, have to see if they can fill some of the loss. Some of our sewing center instructors husbands and students themselves are farmers. Rains effected their fields too. The only good part is the skill and knowledge in stitiching and embroidery they have is of use now. They could support their families in this critical situation. All the political parties are bringing pressure on the Government to take care of the farmers. I hope they could be able to manage  helping  the farmers.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

inauguration of our new sewing centre at Navodaya nagar. Narasaraopet.

Hai friends

I am very happy to share with you that we started one more Sewing Centre at Navodaya Nagar, Narasaraopet..   The name of the Instructor is Satyavathi.

She is very happy to be a part of our organization helping women for their self help.  New batch started with 7 members right now. Majority of the students are married women coming from a poor background, their husbands are working as auto drivers, farmers with two children each living in rented houses in and around Navodaya Nagar.

They are very excited to utilize this opportunity and gain some knowledge and skill in tailoring and embroidery which is useful for their self help in gaining income and there by supporting their families. All the students and the instructor expressed their greetings and thanks to the donors of Shoshana and especially to Martha, Managing Director Shoshana.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

New Sewing application from Narasaraopet

Hello friends,

We got a new application for a sewing centre in  Navodaya nagar , Narasaraopet town. I went there to find out the facts and possibilities of opening our project there.
Narasaraopet is around 44km from Guntur and from Chirala, it would be around 80kms from Chirala. Its a big town. The area where we got the application is Navodaya nagar.  Its a mixed area with all kinds of people with different occupations. It has rich and also very poor people. Its a busy place with road side business, schools, Government offices etc.

The name of the lady who applied for the sewing centre is Satyavathi. Her husband is working in a cloth store as sales man. She has two children, one girl and one boy. Both are studying. She is a Hindu and they belong to a middle class family. She has 10 years experience as a tailor and she has been teaching students for a long time. She applied with main intention of working with our organisation, there by helping many needy women who can't afford to go to a sewing class where there is a lot of chance of getting work either in a tailor shop or starting their own tailoring or embroidery business in a small scale there by supporting their families. In this combined work both the tailor and her students belonging to a poor background  with have a chance to help themselves.

Present days it is very difficult even for  educated people to get jobs because of lot competition in this over populated country so for uneducated poor people the chances are very meagre to get a decent job except remaining as daily workers or servant maids. I think starting a tailoring unit atleast even in a small scale would be a nice opportunity for them, there by supporting themselves as well as other people like them if they work together. If they are skilled enough  and have some communication skills , i think they will make out a nice living and will have continuous work.

Friday, October 1, 2010

hello friends,

Yesterday we celebrated our CDS-Shoshana 10th anniversary celebrations at our office in Chirala. We had a small gathering with our office staff( SC instructors and MC nurses) friends, relatives and family.

It went on quite well with opening speech by Martha and thanks giving messages by some of our staff, and beneficiaries. After that a simple felicitation to Martha by our office staff.

We are very happy for gathering together and for what we have achieved for the last 10 years and i believe strongly that we are going to achieve many more heights in helping the needy with your support. I would like to share a few pics from our anniversary with you all.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Lohiyapuram MC


On 22nd Oct, wednesday me and Martha went to one of our medical centres at Lohiyapuram. Lohiyapuram is a small area , comes under Vetapalem mandal which is around 15kms from Chirala. Its a remote area located on the far end of the village. People here have to cross the rail tracks to go on with their daily work.

 The area is alloted by the Government to the backward caste people belonging to different communities. Its a combination of three different castes, Christian minority people, weaver community and muslims.

Our medical centre is presently located in the Weavers colony.  Before the people here are living in small straw huts but lately in a span of two years Government started alloting the people here with Permanent houses.  Drastic change from rotten looking huts to small beautiful houses.

Government is doing many developmental programmes here like building houses, roads and water facility. The only thing lacking here is the medical help. The main occupation of the people here is weaving , agriculture and daily workers in the near by cotton mill.

The local politician who is responsible for this area brought up this proposal of starting a first aid centre here which is very helpful for the needy community here who can't affort to buy medicine and also who has no chance of getting emergency treatment in this area. The name of the nurse here is varadamma who is familiar in this area and working hard to take care of the people.

The best part in this area is, almost all the houses are kept very clean with a small garden around which is rarely found even in the town.

Railway Station MC


Yesterday we went to a place near Chirala Railway Station where our nurse(Jaya raju) from Prasadha Nagaram is giving his medical assistance to the people there. Besides his regular work at Prasada Nagaram, the nurse is also helping the people here once a week with health check ups and free medicine.

The area near the railway station is a low lying area just near the cementary. People living here are almost living in the cementary and they are Jipsies from Tamilnadu. They settled here many years back and you don't believe they are leading a very terrible, pathetic life here.

They are living  in small huts made of old rags and plastic sheets with lots of dirt, open drains, dead bodies of animals and pigs all over. The main business of the people here is rag picking and collecting dead bodies of animals on the tracks, using the meat for food and selling the skin and bones. People here are a bit wild mostly drug addicts, alchoholics and thieves. Because of the heavy rains recently, most of this area is under water and people are staying on the roads. Here we saw lots of children with teenage mother, father and old people.They have no awareness of hygiene and birth control. Government alloted permanent houses to a few at a different place and many more are waiting for their turn.

Its very sad to see the vast difference in the life style of people living in the same town. I hope Government will do something for them soon. I think it is very genuine on our part to do some regular help for these people who are in a very desperate condition and i really thank all the people who are taking care of this area in  any form.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

hai friends.

Today we visited two of our medical centres located near the coast of Bay of Bengal. One is exactly on the coast which is located in the area called Ramapuram was started during the Tsunami time. There a few people died and many lost their livelihood. So with the help of many German donors we had the chance of helping them with fishing nets and food which is temporary so we thought of helping them in a long run by opening a medical support for them regularly under the supervision of a nurse giving out free medicines , regular check ups and counselling regarding health and hygiene.

 Second medical centre is at Sampath nagar which is also near the coast which is approximately 10km away  from the coast. This is started with the intention of helping the poor tribal people in that area who can't afford to buy medicine and who are far away from the actual town.

Since we have heavy rains for the last few days, most of the low lying areas are drowned with rain water. Our medical centre is also located in one of those areas so me and martha had no chance of visiting the centre.

Monday, September 6, 2010

6/9/10 s

hai, today we went to Narasaraopet and Yellamandha, two places belonging to Guntur district. Yellamandha is near to a famous place called kottappa konda which is famous for a shiva temple. There we visited one of our best sewing centres but the instructor is pregnant so she wants to take a break for the work. Meanwhile their society people put forward a proposal for a medical centre in their area. Let's see what we can do. We got only the basic information regarding the need for a medical centre so have to think before starting anything there. Coming to the sewing centre in Narasaropet, its working quite fine. The instructor lady is old fashioned but she is very eager to teach the students different kinds of models similar to ready made stuff. So on the whole our day was good and quite successful but the bad part  is Martha saw some people beating up a buffalo on the way so she was very furious and felt very sorry for the animal since she believes people in India are very kind hearted towards animals who believes in re-birth but the scene what she saw was  quite opposite to what she expected.

  CDS - Shoshana sewing project - Pedanandipadu Sharing some pics from Pedanandipadu sewing project - Guntur district Twelve girls - Five fr...