Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Visit to Guntur Sewing Project.

Our weekend visit to two of our sewing projects in Guntur city.

Latest sewing project we started in Guntur. The society who supported sewing project in Visadala village located this area for helping women.

Nagaralu, Guntur.

Vasantha the instructor ,  started working with Shoshana two years back. She is a tailor in that area for the past 15 years and also was  teaching 3 or 4 students a year.  That was her job before.

This is the first time for her working for a charitable organization. Very soon she understood the main aim of helping those needy women for their self help.

Women also are using their time very well , very good in their work and confident that they will achieve their goals.

We are satisfied with the way the instructor is taking care of the project and helping the women.

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