Monday, January 2, 2012

Visit to Angalakuduru Sewing Project

              Pics of  women learning tailoring at Angalakuduru Sewing Project.

Women as students here come from very very poor back ground. Majority of them are school drop outs. All most all of them work as daily workers. Angalakuduru village is full of lemon , banana  and vegetable fields so women here work in the fields for daily wages but there work is seasonal so they have to look for other alternative job for their livelihood.

Embroidery and tailoring came to be the other alternative since it doesn't need much educational qualification and with regular practice and under good supervision even for illiterates it became easy to get the skill and more over it proved to be a good income earning source.They could work from home besides attending their household work. It is more easy for them compared to the field work.
Since Shoshana sewing centre is providing free stitching classes more needy women are interested to utilize the chance. The previous students who are successful in their work as tailors inspired many needy women to use the chance for their self help.

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