Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Pasumaaru Project ( Embroidery and Painting )

Pics showing Swetha( instructor) with her students at Pasumarru project.

Swetha, the youngest of all our instructors. She is a well educated lady who is very much interested in social work. She has been working for the needy women for the last two years at our Pasumarru Embroidery Project.
Her mother Sumathi is also an insturctor at our Chilakaluripet Sewing project. Watching her mother for quite some time she developed interest in helping others and moreover she had the chance of meeting some of the donors of shoshana who are very dedicated for supporting the needy women in A.P for their self help so as soon as she finished her studies in business management she joined our project in teaching painting and embroidery and besides that she started helping the needy women in setting up their own business.

Till now she trained 29 students in painting , embroidery and block printing in Pasumarru village. Most of her students are young women who are school drop outs and a few are even illiterates. Family financial situations made them leave their education and support their family at a very young age. Getting trained in this handicraft work turned out to be one of the good income gaining sources for them and which is  helping them very much in  supporting their families

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