Thursday, November 9, 2023



One of the beneficiaries Rajeswari, we spoke with narrates her experience as follows:

I made my way into the sewing class in the year 2022. I was a rag picker, coming from Gamela bazar, Vijayawada. Its a small slum area where some of the rag pickers built temporary shelters on the road side . I am from one of those houses.

I had no other option other than going out picking waste. I always wished to have a better living. Our daily survival as a rag picker has always been a problem. Being an illiterate I only had a chance of doing odd jobs.

  Local tailors are not willing to  stitch for us as we come from a slum area. We  are like kind of untouchables for them and look down on us

Coming from that situation, Shoshana gave us an opportunity to learn stitching. Provided with a sewing machine, I  now can stitch not only for myself but for my entire family and could save some money on the stitching charges. Besides that I am  using my skill for my living.

I am  very grateful for the opportunity I had and I am very thankful for the donors for their support.

Similar story of Thirupathamma, she is a polio victim. Her husband was an alchoholic and left her with two children. She is a single parent taking care of her kids. She was a rag picker too. Collects plastic and other waste, sell them for their living. Since they mostly work in dirty surroundings, they are easily prone to diseases. 

Since Shoshana sewing centre started giving free sewing classes in their area, she joined last year and finished her training. Provided with a sewing machine she now is very happy to work from at home and earn her living. 

Conveying her heartful thanks to all the donors.

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