Saturday, November 4, 2023


Slum children have mostly diarrhea and respiratory illness besides mal nutrition.

Pollution of water and poor sanitation have led to poor quality of life and community health in slums.

Water borne diseases like diarrhea,  Cholera, gastric and skin problems are more common in these areas.

Unhealthy living and working conditions made the situation even more worse.

Shoshana started giving first aid medical help in  these areas like Railway area and Rosy colony, Chirala where migrant tribal people from Tamil Nadu have come and settled from ages. They are mostly rag pickers, collect dead animals from the railway tracks and sell the bones. They have a very unhygienic surroundings because of their situation.

Nurses of Shoshana besides giving out medication are making people conscious about having clean surroundings.

Random pics from the surroundings in Rosy colony, Chirala

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