Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Shoshana sewing project - Bapatla

The project intends to give needy women, training in tailoring and embroidery skills for their sustainable livelihood and they could live an independent life.

Providing with a sewing machine at the end of the course to survive on their own.

Meeting some of the beneficiaries who already finished their course and who are getting self employment at homes, and are earning some daily income which is helping them to buy some necessary things for their families.

With these skills they are earning a regular income and their economic development will slowly increase and  there will be no need for them to depend on any body. If they are good in using their skill their income will be enhanced and there by reducing their poverty.

There are many needy girls and women who are getting  free sewing classes in different sewing projects of Shoshana and still there are many who are waiting for their opportunity.

Providing them with a sewing machine at the end of the course is needed so that they could start working immediately. There is a need for sewing machines.

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