Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas to all of you

In India Christmas Eve is already gone .. here in USA we celebrate it now.
Hope everyone has a place to stay and nice friends to celebrate the Birth of Christ. He is the reason for the season.
Merry Christmas to Bindu and her family!

I will go to the Christmas Eve Service in Bridgewater Presbytarian Church if the weather keeps on being nice.
Of course I miss Bob very much, but I feel not lonely. Cindy invited me for Christmas Day.  Conny, my German friend here, invited me for later on this week, so I am sure I will have nice and blessed Holidays.
God is good and he provided wonderful friends for me.
Happiness for all of you

Embi / Martha B.

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 Shoshana Medical Project - Dasaripalem, Guntur  Sharing few pics from this area. Dasaripalem area is quite far away from the city around 15...