Tuesday, October 31, 2017


Sharing a few pics from the Shoshana sewing project, Anaparthi and Pedanandipadu villages.

Martha's first visit to the sewing project, Anaparthi  which was started early this year. Women had a little celebration time inviting Martha to the project.

Occupation wise most of these women are daily wage agricultural labourers and their men are construction workers and contract farmers. The job availability in agricultural sector is only for half the year and rest of the period they go to nearby areas for coolie work.

We choose the needy women who are unemployed and who are interested to learn the handicraft skills to train them in Sewing and Embroidery work and help them in buying a sewing machine so that they could also earn some living  and could support their families.

If both the parents are working,
more children will be able to attend school instead of forced into child labour.
Mrs.Sivakumari is the instructor for sewing at Pedanandipadu and Anaparthi. She is running a tailor shop at home with the help of some of her former students there by providing some income for them and they also sell the products made by the women at the centre which they in turn use for their utilities.

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