Thursday, November 17, 2016

Distribution of Sewing Machines at Shoshana Sewing Project - Bapatla

Pics from Shoshana Sewing Project, Bapatla.

Shoshana in partnership with local societies in setting up sewing centres in some of the country's rural corners.

The local societies identify and motivate women from villages and backward areas to join Sewing centres. Women are given training in sewing and embroidery  skills for over a period of  8 months to one year and later provided with a sewing machine after finishing the course.

Distribution of Sewing machines to previous students.

 The present group for women for the sewing class.

1 comment:

 Shoshana Medical Project - Dasaripalem, Guntur  Sharing few pics from this area. Dasaripalem area is quite far away from the city around 15...