Sunday, July 18, 2021


Post lockdown pics from one of our sewing projects - Shoshana Sewing Project - Gaddipadu, Guntur

Group of women who started their tailoring class last year. . Actually by now they should finish their course but due to the corona  effect, the classes were  not  regular so they needed some extra time to complete all the samples needed to start their own work.

The family members of the instructor as well as the beneficiaries got effected by the second wave of Corona. Fortunately no body died but financially most of the families got effected.

For the last one month things are slowly getting better and normal again. Still there is scare of third wave but as of now situation seems normal.

Few pics from our sewing project:

Sewing Instructor Nirmala with her group of students

 Shoshana Medical Project - Dasaripalem, Guntur  Sharing few pics from this area. Dasaripalem area is quite far away from the city around 15...